Can Fat Cells Be Destroyed?

Imagine for a moment. There it is, that stubborn fat that you just can’t seem to shake. Diet and exercise have seemingly worked everywhere else, but that pocket of fat won’t budge, no matter what you do. Wouldn’t it be mind-blowing if there was actually a way to destroy those fat cells? Not only to shrink them but to eliminate them? To get rid of that stubborn fat once and for all. Without going under the knife, we’ve miraculously gotten an option for you.

While diet and exercise are certainly important in shrinking your fat cells, maybe you need something more result-oriented. Although the destruction of fat cells is not easy, it can be done! So how do you go about that? You can kill fat cells by freezing them with CoolSculpting! How COOL is that?

Cool Sculpting procedure is FDA-cleared for the treatment of visible fat bulges under the chin, thigh, abdomen and flank, along with bra fat, back fat, underneath the buttocks, and upper arm.

CoolSculpting works by using cryopolysis, a process in which the treated areas are crystalized (frozen) to the point that they are damaged. In the following months, your body naturally processes the destroyed fat and eliminates the dead cells through your lymphatic drainage system.

The best patients for this treatment have fat that can be pinched and drawn into the CoolSculpting confirmed mold. Once the fat is secured inside the CoolSculpting device via suction, your fat is cooled down to the endpoint temperature. One session takes less than an hour and no anesthesia is needed. Once an area has been treated the next area can also be treated during the same day.

Results can often take about two to four months to appear and some people experience redness, mild pain and bruising for a few days afterward. You can generally expect a twenty percent fat reduction but this is likely to take more than one treatment.

To get comparable results, it takes careful treatment planning, a skilled medical professional, and multiple treatment cycles. According to the leading study researcher, “With careful treatment planning, proper applicator placement, and multiple treatment cycles, cryolipolysis can produce results comparable to those of liposuction.”

With over 8 million treatments worldwide, there’s no shortage of testimonials and reviews for CoolSculpting online!

Learn more about How Effective Is CoolSculpting?

Ready to destroy your fat cells?



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