Dos And Don’ts In Fillers!

Fillers have become the second most requested treatment in non-invasive cosmetics. It ranks second immediately after neuromodulators like Botox, Xeomin, or Dysport. As a physician and an injector, I find this treatment especially to be the most rewarding for my patients. While a lot of the treatments that we do require few days or even weeks to show effect, this one has immediate results, and clients get to enjoy their desired transformation as soon as they leave the office. But in order for you to enjoy this transformation, there are some Dos and Don’t that you need to be aware of, either before or after the procedure. Here are some of them:
Before Having Your Fillers!
- Understand your problem areas. Many of my patients come thinking that their nasolabial fold NLF (the fold between the cheeks and the nose) is too deep and asking to fill it. A careful examination and measurement of the face reveals that the cheek has significantly lost volume and so exacerbated the depth of the NLF. In this case we need to address the loss of volume in the cheeks before we treat the NLF.
- Start taking Arnica two days before your appointment. This is not mandatory, but it helps reduce the risk of bruising especially when doing lip fillers.
- Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or planning to get pregnant.
- Tell your doctor if you have any history of cold sores. Your doctor can prescribe you an antiviral prior to your treatment to limit any flare of your condition.
- Avoid taking any Over-the-Counter blood thinners one week prior to your treatment. Such blood thinners include Aspirin, Motrin, Aleve, or Ibuprofen. If you are on a prescribed a blood thinner, make sure to let your injector know to take all precautions.
- Avoid over the counter supplements like St. John’s Wort, Gingko biloba, primrose oil, garlic, ginseng, and Vitamin E. If you are on any, stop using them at least 1 week before your treatment.
- Avoid topical products such as Tretinoin (Retin-A), Retinol, Retinoids, Glycolic Acid, or any “anti-aging” products. These can cause irritation to the skin, and increase risk of bruising or even infection.
- Do not drink alcohol 24 hour before your treatment.
After Having Fillers
- Apply Arnica topically and/or continue to take oral arnica at home. This will help reduce chances of bruising. Eating pineapple can also help with bruising too!
- Put an icepack on the injected area to reduce swelling. This is important especially on the first day after treatment.
- If you have any pain, take Tylenol. If you have increased swelling or itching, try over the counter antihistamines like Zyrtec, Benadryl or Claritin.
- You can starting using your sunscreen and makeup immediately after, but you need to be very gentle while rubbing the area treated.
- If you had cheek fillers, try to sleep on your back for the night. A good trick to help you stay on your back is to put your hair up in piggy tails. This way every time you try to turn to your side, your hair will stop you.
- Don’t rub the area treated unless instructed to.
- Avoid itching, or picking around the injection site.
- Avoid applying intense heat to the treated area, that includes hot tubs, saunas, sunbathing or tanning.
- Don’t drink alcohol the day of treatment, and try to avoid it for 2 days after.
- Avoid exercising for 2 days or until swelling subsides.
Swelling, bruising, itching and nodular feeling in the injected areas are all normal after your filler treatment. We will bring you back for a followup in two weeks to see your progress but you need to contact the office immediately if you have any of the following symptoms:
- Fever and/or chills
- Blotches in areas not injected
- Blanching of injected areas
- Injected area appears red and/or hot to the touch
- Severe or increasing pain
Ready to restore your youth with Fillers?
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